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All you need to know before you schedule a workshop

  • How do I sign up for the online workshop?
    You can sign up for the online workshop by emailing your name, your email address and your WhatsApp mobile phone number to:
  • Can I pay for the online workshop online?
    Yes! To pay for the first workshop session, follow these simple steps: Go to: Enter your Name, Email Address and Phone Number. Click Next. Follow the payment prompts to pay using your preferred payment option. Send us email notifying us about the payment. You can reach us at: The schedule and additional details about the first workshop session as well as information on paying for the additional workshop sessions will be sent to you.
  • When is the next workshop scheduled?
    Workshops are being held throughout 2021 and 2022. The timeline for the next upcoming workshop will be shared with you after the payment is made. Alternatively, just send email to: to find out when the next workshop will be held.
  • Can I take the workshop from anywhere in South-east Asia or the United States?
    Yes! You can take the online workshop from anywhere in the United States, Singapore or other parts of Sout-east Asia. Really, from anywhere in the world. If you are on EST or CST in the United States, just make sure that the times for the workshop will work for you.

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